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Tall indoor planters

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About tall indoor planters


Interior design is witnessing a growing trend that's literally reaching new heights - tall indoor plants, also known as 'Green Giants'. These towering beauties are transforming our living and working spaces, infusing them with a breath of fresh air and a touch of nature's charm. This article explores the history of indoor planting, the benefits of tall indoor plants, popular varieties, and care tips. It also delves into how these plants can be incorporated into interior design, providing real-life examples and future trends in indoor planting.

The Emergence of Green Giants

Indoor planting has a rich history, tracing back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians who grew ornamental and fruiting plants in decorative containers. The fascination with indoor plants grew over the centuries, with the Victorian era marking the first use of houseplants by the middle class. In the 20th century, houseplants became more common in offices, and the trend has continued into the 21st century, with social media playing a significant role in popularizing indoor plants. The COVID-19 pandemic further boosted interest in houseplants, as people sought to fill their homes with greenery while spending more time indoors.

Benefits of Tall Indoor Plants

Tall indoor plants not only enhance the overall appearance of a space, but they also boost moods, increase creativity, reduce stress, and eliminate air pollutants. They can make us feel good, too. Even brief exposure to nature, like touching real foliage, can elicit an unconscious calming effect. In workspaces where indoor plants have been added, work performance increased, staff wellbeing improved, and sick-leave absences were reduced. Indoor plants can also improve indoor air quality. Through photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. They can capture indoor pollutants and convert them into stored energy, releasing naturally filtered air as a byproduct.

Popular Varieties of Tall Indoor Plants

Tall indoor plants can dramatically transform your interior space. Some popular varieties include the Agave, which can grow up to five feet tall indoors, and the Areca Palm, known for its elegant, weeping fronds and ability to thrive in low light. The Australian Tree Fern and Bird of Paradise are other excellent choices, both capable of reaching impressive heights. The Cat Palm, Citrus trees, and Corn Plant are also popular for their unique features and adaptability to indoor conditions. Each of these plants brings a unique aesthetic and vibe to your decor, making them perfect for indoor planting.

Caring for Tall Indoor Plants

Caring for tall indoor plants involves understanding their unique needs. Larger plants generally require less frequent watering due to their higher volume of potting mix. Light is crucial for these plants to maintain their foliage, even low-light tolerant varieties benefit from brighter conditions. They outgrow their containers slower, so repotting isn't a frequent task, but fertilizing after the first year is recommended. Regular cleaning of the leaves is essential to facilitate photosynthesis. A moisture meter can be a useful tool to check soil moisture, and supplemental lighting can be added in dim spaces.

Incorporating Tall Indoor Plants into Interior Design

Tall indoor plants can be a unique focal point in your interior design. They can fill out empty corners, frame a fireplace or a wall unit, or even stand beautifully in front of a shelf. A large potted plant near a window can filter incoming light, creating a fresh and tropical ambiance. For spaces with tall ceilings, climbing plants or tall, lean species like Ficus can be a great choice. Placing a tall plant by a mirror can make it look even fuller and larger, adding brightness to your space. Remember, the choice of planter can also make a statement, complementing your home's decor.

Case Studies: Transforming Spaces with Tall Indoor Plants

Several examples demonstrate how tall indoor plants can transform spaces. For instance, indoor trees like figs and citrus can create a focal point in a room, enhancing the overall design. Similarly, placing a large houseplant in an empty living room corner can bring purpose and brighten up the space. These plants not only add a pop of color but also introduce natural texture and organic shapes into the room, contributing to a sense of wellbeing and calm. These examples demonstrate the transformative power of tall indoor plants in interior design.

Future Trends in Indoor Planting

Indoor gardening, including the use of tall indoor planters, has seen a rapid rise in popularity since the Covid-19 pandemic began. This trend, which started as a way to connect with nature during lockdowns, has evolved into a hobby and interior styling choice. Indoor gardening is scalable, allowing it to be incorporated into homes in various ways, and can be enjoyed all year round. As we move forward, indoor gardening, particularly with tall indoor plants, is expected to be one of the biggest enduring trends.


Tall indoor plants, or 'Green Giants', have emerged as a significant trend in interior design, offering a unique blend of aesthetic appeal and health benefits. They serve as living sculptures, enhancing our spaces while purifying the air and boosting our wellbeing. The variety of these plants allows for endless possibilities in design, from filling empty corners to creating focal points. As we've seen, the care they require is manageable and well worth the rewards. Looking ahead, the popularity of indoor gardening, particularly with tall plants, is set to continue growing. As we increasingly seek connections with nature in our indoor spaces, these 'Green Giants' will undoubtedly continue to redefine our interiors.