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Small lean to greenhouse

(104 products available)

About small lean to greenhouse


Embrace the joy of year-round gardening with a small lean-to greenhouse. This compact, efficient structure, leaning against your property wall, is a perfect solution for those with limited space. It not only offers the advantage of better heat retention but also provides easy access to your home, making gardening a practical activity throughout the year. However, it's not just about the convenience; it's about understanding the concept, benefits, and potential challenges of a lean-to greenhouse, choosing the right location, and knowing the materials and tools needed for its construction. Let's delve into the world of lean-to greenhouses and discover how they make year-round gardening possible.

Understanding the Concept of a Lean-to Greenhouse

A lean-to greenhouse, as the name suggests, is a structure that leans against a wall, meaning it has three walls, with the fourth being the wall of your property. This type of greenhouse is a fantastic solution for those short on space, as it makes efficient use of the available area. It features a canopy-like roof sloping downwards, with all three walls made of glass. This structure is particularly beneficial if your property wall is in good condition and receives ample sunshine throughout the day.

Benefits of a Small Lean-to Greenhouse

A small lean-to greenhouse offers several benefits. Its compact size makes it ideal for limited spaces, as it can be conveniently attached to an existing wall. This design also allows for better heat retention, as one side of the greenhouse is a solid wall, which can contribute to energy efficiency. Additionally, it provides easy access to the house, making it practical for year-round gardening. However, it's important to consider potential challenges such as building code requirements and the need for sufficient height on the attachment wall.

Year-Round Gardening: How a Lean-to Greenhouse Makes it Possible

A lean-to greenhouse offers the perfect solution for year-round gardening. It provides a controlled environment that allows plants to grow regardless of the season. The structure's design, attached to an existing building, ensures it's close to utilities like electricity and water. However, it's crucial to ensure the greenhouse receives a minimum of five to six hours of unobstructed light during winter months for optimal plant growth. While it requires a financial commitment, the joy of year-round gardening makes it a worthwhile investment.

Choosing the Right Location for Your Lean-to Greenhouse

A lean-to greenhouse should ideally be placed along a south-facing wall to receive maximum sunlight, which is crucial for plant growth. Avoid areas with tall trees that can block sunlight. Practicality is also important - ensure there's ample space around the greenhouse and it's close to electricity mains and water taps. If you have young visitors, consider placing the greenhouse slightly away from the main garden area to prevent damage.

Materials and Tools Needed for Building a Lean-to Greenhouse

Building a lean-to greenhouse requires some specific materials and tools. The main material used in this project was polycarbonate panels, chosen for their light transmission properties. The frame was constructed from wood, a readily available material that's easy to cut and attach roof screws to. Old wood-framed house windows were also utilized. The total cost of materials was approximately $800 Canadian dollars in 2018. Tools used in the construction process aren't specified in the original content, but it's safe to assume that common woodworking tools like saws, drills, and screws would be necessary.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Own Lean-to Greenhouse

Building a lean-to greenhouse starts with framing windows on the wall and building the base. It's crucial to ensure the base is level and square. The next step involves creating trusses to support the roof, which are then covered with lightweight sun panels. The panels are sealed using roofing screws with rubber washers. The interior can be customized to your needs, with options for adding wire shelves for extra plant space. Remember to monitor the temperature and humidity inside the greenhouse for optimal plant growth.

Maintaining Your Lean-to Greenhouse for Optimal Performance

Maintaining your lean-to greenhouse for optimal performance involves addressing a few challenges. Ventilation can be an issue due to limited exterior surfaces, but this can be overcome with strategically placed powered fans and additional roof vents. Light limitation is another concern, often requiring supplemental lighting. Excess moisture from plant transpiration can potentially damage attached wooden structures, but a moisture barrier on the shared wall can mitigate this. Lastly, be prepared for some dirt and water to be tracked into your living space, as even the cleanest of greenhouses is full of soil.


A small lean-to greenhouse is a fantastic solution for those seeking to garden year-round, especially when space is at a premium. Its unique design, attached to an existing wall, offers numerous benefits including energy efficiency and easy access. However, it's crucial to choose the right location, ensure sufficient light, and maintain the greenhouse for optimal performance. Building your own lean-to greenhouse might require a financial commitment and a good understanding of the materials and tools needed, but the joy and satisfaction of year-round gardening make it a worthwhile investment. Remember, a well-maintained lean-to greenhouse is not just a structure; it's a gateway to a greener, healthier lifestyle.